Snowday Chic

Well, the snow has certainly made its appearance this winter! Although the city looks gorgeous draped in a blanket of white, it can make going outside not so attractive. The solution? An adult snow day of course!

Staying inside in your PJ's doesn't mean you can't still be stylish. Try these Neiman Marcus silk ones or throw on a pretty robe as you lounge around the house.

If you must weather the cold, throw on this Russian styled fur hat. I absolutely adore mine!

Relax by popping in a movie like Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady or Pretty Woman. You can never go wrong with a classic!

Then don't forget to indulge yourself a little. Give your nails a makeover with winter shades like marsala and deep plum. After your mini mani try out this luxurious mud mask by Tarte.



Have fun and stay warm!
XO- Freida